Stephanie Otobo, the woman who claimed to have had an affair with Apostle Johnson Suleman was re-arraigned by the police before a Tinubu magistrates’ court, Lagos on Monday, March 20. She was brought alongside one Wisdom Godstime, 43, before Magistrate Kikelomo Bukola-Ayeye on a three-count charge of conspiracy, intent to steal, blackmail and threat to life. Addressing the court, the prosecutor, M. A. Animashaun, said the defendants and others at large committed the alleged offence on February 14, 2016 at about 10.30am at Police College, Ikeja, Lagos. He said the defendants, “with intent to blackmail a man of God, unlawfully demanded the immediate payment of $1million to Otobo by Apostle Johnson Suleiman, the president and founder of Omega Fire Ministry Worldwide, else she would call a press conference and accuse him of committing adult–ery with her and thereafter kill him.” The court also heard that the defendants with intent to extort money from Apostle Suleman, accused him of co...